Cheamybunny's Project Portfolio Page
Project: MODTrek
ModTrek is a desktop application for managing a typical NUS Computer Science student’s modules and degree progression, optimised for use via a Command Line Interface (CLI). The app is provides a convenient platform for students to easily access and update their modules within presses of a keyboard.
Given below are my contributions to the project.
Code contributed: RepoSense link
- Project management:
- Set up team repo and organisation on GitHub
- Reviewed PRs
- Enhancements to existing features:
- Refactored storage to match MODTrek’s code base
- Ensured code quality
- Increase code coverage with test cases
- Documentation:
- User Guide:
- Wrote details for all features
- Designed the layout and structure of entire UG
- Structured UG to be easily readable and flow coherently
- Wrote FAQ section
- Ensured all links are working
- Developer Guide:
- Designed the layout and structure of DG
- Structured DG to be easily readable and flow coherently
- User Guide:
- Community:
- Provided suggestions and feedback to improve existing code
- PE dry run: Found a total of 9 bugs and suggestions as shown in this repo
- Tools:
- CSS (for UG Design)
- Java (for code)
- PlantUML (for diagrams)